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Showing posts from January, 2014


Everytime I walk at the beach ( in Holland though as in Italy I haven't really found a place where to find it) I like to search for driftwood,  I like the way it looks they way it is old and natural, the shape it has been given by the sea , but I never have taken it home with me. Sometimes I pick it up and use it for a beach walk or in the dunes but as I think of it I should have collected it as you never know when it is the right time to bring it into your interior. On Pinterest I run into all these wonderfull idea's , most of them are just simple DIY items others you will be able to purchase.          Pure and simple are all these DIY items ,love the i-phone holder and the candles. Created by Martine

MOODBOARD : Petit Bohemian Home

As a kid I Always loved to build tents inside and outside, sometimes made out of simple plaids and sheets but the tents your kids can build now are just Amazing.  I found the below DIY idea's on Pinterest , they create the perfect little private spot and you can even add them in a little corner of your home interior in case you don't have enough space in the childrens room. All pictures from my pinterest board Created by martine

HOME_DECORATION : Simplicity of a Daisy

It's just too early I know..... But I miss them and while I was thinking that within 2 months spring will start to show, I thought I might as well share some simple and pure DIY Daisy ways of having them around you all day. All pictures from Pinterest Created by Martine

MOODBOARD :Little Winter Feelings

S oft & Cosy pastels I lluminated Elements F aux fur and dreamaway angels All pictures from Pinterest, Created by Martine

Lifestyle Inspiration: BUCKETLIST 2014

Everyone should have a bucket list , here's mine for this year........ T ravel to new places A ride on a motorbike R emember it's better to look up B each - Beatle & Be ready to watch the waves day M ore ME time M ust have this Chanel board V isit Paris one more time in spring R ead much more books  E njoy every single weekend........... A nd ofcourse start off the new LFS project online! Created by Martine

Bits and pieces of my travel journal: LANZAROTE

  Most of my Italian friends who live in the nord of Italy take the opportunity to visit the mountains for a perfect ski break but I Just came back from a short winter-new year break to Lanzarote ,it's a real interruption from the cold winter to a warm 21° at the Canarian Islands, and I love the have some sun  to upload my energy for the rest of the winter in Italy. I've been visiting these islands since I was a child and I used to tour around the entire island while I was there but now with the kids I just love to have a week of total relax, long walks on the beach a drink around the swimming pool , reads lots of magazines and books and just enjoy the silence. My favourite is Fuerteventura especially for the quiet nature and beautiful beaches, however Lanzarote is pretty nice as well. I captured some pictures to share with you (even though I did not bring my Canon but just my Samsung smart phone, all pictures have been t...