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Do I miss spring!

Even if outside there is still snow here and there , you can already notice that spring coming closer and closer, or atleast that's what we all hope.
I can't wait to bring spring into my home, love the smell of fresh flowers from the market which I usually buy pretty much every week at the local market at Chieri.
I do miss also (while we are at the missing issue the flower markets in Holland!)
And these garden centres that just drives my mad as they are so incredible full with inspiration of redoing your garden, terras or interior of your home .
Candle holders, vases and bottles, accessories for every single flower till huge pots and pottery in all colours and materials.

I need flowers around me it has been always a kind of a dream to own my own flower shop, but I realise now that in Italy people don't buy flowers the way we do in Holland seems strange as Italy and Holland are very close but still there are so many differences in habits, culture and mentality.
In Italy you buy flowers for special occasions only and I'm used to buy flowers just for me, you either get them from friends , parents or husbands just like that no special reason other then to brighten up your home and yourself , as flowers always put me right away in a good mood as well.
And even though there are many flower shops every where this just doesn't seem to change anything .
I personally prefer to buy them from the market saves money and they have a great variety , and I like to put the bouquets together myself .
I just love to get these big bundle's of flowers and out them all together in a nice big vase.
So today I found myself with a bunch of white big lilies which are now showing off on the dining table.
Finally my white hyacinth's are now completely open and are definitely creating my little indoor pre-spring !

created by Martine
