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Lifestyle Inspiration: 10 Things to make you feel happy this week

  1. Go to work 2 hours later then usual and take your morning coffee on your terrace.
  2. Jump in the water puddles after a rain shower.
  3. Buy that diamond ring even if it’s 0,01 carat.
  4. Just wake up with a homemade breakfast from your love.
  5. Find the perfect T-shirt for 5 euro at the market.
  6. Having the birds waking you up with a spring has arrived  feeling on Saturday morning 5 am while you wanted to sleep out till noon .
  7. Spending all afternoon taking beautiful pictures of everything you run into.
  8. Write some old fashion letters and postcards to your dearest friends instead of  an instant whatsup message.
  9. Buy a huge bag full with colourful Easter chocolate eggs and eat them all the same day.
  10. Watch the movie revenge with Kevin Costner and cry again even if you have seen it a hundred times.

 created by Martine
